Alita: Battle Angel (2019) James Cameron another superhit Science Fiction Movie


Alita may be a creation from Associate in Nursing age of despair. Found by the mysterious Dr. Ido whereas trolling for machine elements, Alita becomes a deadly, dangerous being. She can not remember herself she is, or wherever she came from. But to Dr. Ido, She is the one being who can break the cycle of death and destruction left behind from Tiphares. But to accomplish her true purpose, she must fight and kill. And that is where Alita's true significance comes to bear. She is an angel from heaven. She is an angel of death. 
Written by Anthony Harmon

Users Reviews from IMD:

I don't know what to say... This movie is perfect as an Action-Sci Fi movie!. Not too much drama. Just enough. Cool action/fighting scene. Fights are not too long. Short and sweet. I guess people who rated this so low.. they don't even like a Scifi/Action genre or don't know how to enjoy this type of movie.

CGI is always very smooth except at the near ending scene where they going up on the pipe. Real face of his boyfriend with cyborg body looks disappointing...not neat at all...

We need a sequel!!! better.. badder!!

And My reviews:
What is the animation and how should and how can we easily create any imagination James Cameron as a writer that shown really really outstanding.

Every section story screenplay looks rare unique and I love it! 

No wait just be ready to see that today :)

A deactivated female cyborg is revived, but cannot remember anything of her past life and goes on a quest to find out who she is.


 Robert Rodriguez


 James Cameron (screenplay by), Laeta Kalogridis (screenplay by) 

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